West Roxbury Parkway Basketball : Boston Videographer
There wasn’t one season going up where my parents weren’t schlepping my sisters and I from sports practice to games. From about age four all the way through high-school I was a swimmer in the winter and summer; in the fall I played volleyball and spring it was softball. It wasn’t always a graceful task managing five (5) daughters schedules but I salute my parents on a job well done, always got us there on time! My most favored childhood experiences and cherished friendships have steamed from those days of being an athlete.
I love looking back at old photos showing my teammates and I having a blast together playing on the courts. I only wish I had some fun videos to look back on and see us in action; which is why I was so excited when given the opportunity to create just that for many children this year. The West Roxbury Parkway Travel Youth Basketball program includes over 13-teams and more than 100 children! I had such a blast traveling to games and practices, capturing highlights from the players and coaches on and off the court. The final thirteen videos were showcased at Parkways annual spring banquet; seeing the faces of all the children light up as they watched themselves on the big screen was just priceless! Checkout of a few of them below!
W.R. Parkway Travel Basketball | Highlight Reel from Golden Fox Studios on Vimeo.
W.R. Parkway Travel Basketball | Highlight Reel 2 from Golden Fox Studios on Vimeo.